Tuesday, February 19, 2013

REAL Training


This week at church they talked about REAL Training and for the past few weeks the sermon series has been on something REAL through the book of 1 Timothy. And up above is a YouTube link of the video they did for REAL Training using Eye Of The Tiger song. Heads up I would have been in the dance scene, but unfortunately I don't know the dance. Anyway it's been a interesting study on REAL this or that. I don't mind it at all it's pretty good I guess. If you'd like to know more about Cottonwood because I'm making it sound all weird and all that stuff I'll let you be the judge.


You can tell me your thoughts if you'd like. Back on somewhat of this subject if I don't keep getting back tracked and giving so many details. So if you're asking if I'm getting anymore details out of Sunday mornings then I have been the answer is kinda. It's actually more of bits and nibbles still. But that's alright I guess. Might I add the pet peeve have is that they use the New Living Translation Bible. Now I prefer the NIV, but it is what it is. More background (please take note that I do enjoy this church, they're not a bad church in any means I just want to clarify that I miss my old church and that I'm just in a transitioning stage) so Cottonwood Church has great fellowship if you really want to get to know someone and feel welcome all at once. Youth Group, well from a student perspective it's wild, crazy, fun and overall has good teaching. However, I must warn you, we have an air hockey table upstairs and a triangle puck that could very well hit you at one point in time or another, you were warned. The Worship, well having my dad be the sound guy changes it up a bit. Actually it's pretty neutral either way, so if you want to life your hands up high to praise God by all means it's a pretty comfortable setting to do that. If you know Hillsong United then let's just say you'll probably know some of the songs. Very upbeat and lifting. The Preaching, well I must say for as light as the teaching goes it easy enough to understand no matter where you are with your walk in Christ. Not to mention it's pretty short.

But that's MY overview if you'd like to know more come on in on Sundays who knows they might have a 10minute party for you to meet the staff.

Now REAL Training, I was stumped on Sunday because I've been thinking about that blasted 5K and how in the world am I going to train for that: COMMITMENT duh. I chuckled because I have commitment to stuff like guitar, dance and setting up and tearing down for church. Hello earth to Melody I thought you can commit to this it's easy enough. Or is it? Ha well it's like Planet Fitness only Planet Fitness has "no term commitment". Fail.
So now I'm thinking what all think, "it's hard at first, but after its not that hard", okay legit statement. Obviously I need more commitment to working out in my spiritual life and physical life. That is what stumped me.

I guess time to get to work and stop with procrastination and not give up. Both are bad so I suppose I should get to it.

So more training with life and less being lazy.

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