Ugh I feel like there is so much to complain about, yet there is so much to be grateful about. Well I can't really say today was a "typical" Sunday, after all dad left to go to Norfolk, Virgina at 5am and I actually got up to see him leave, unfortunately it wasn't to the airport. Still he's going to be gone for an entire week and it's in Virgina, he texted us telling us of the green, flowers, and that he was going to the ocean! Okay I'm more then officially sold to go to Virgina! Oh wait... before I go on about my obsession about green grass, the water, moving, and the East Coast. Well I should probably mention more on it's only Sunday, April 21, why would that change anything? So since I officially got up at sometime around 4:30ish and yes saw dad off, but I went back to bed... goodness gracious I did not want to get out of bed again! So slept in and then after all the small details in between we had came in at Church around 9:30ish because mom and the siblings had Sunday School and we had our 30 hour famine "protest", well if you ask me it was more of making people aware of what we're doing as a youth group and how you can help kinda deal. But if you want more info go
here. Well as today went on slowly I had told some people I was so happy I got to see my dad off to Virgina (Well specifically leave the house). Still he made it there safely, but pray as us girls are here and missing him dearly. So today was different... talk about breaking a routine or cycle if you will. Personally the song choices weren't so bad, then the sermon that witch was actually brought to us by Aaron Blackwell (whom is the youth leader) rather then Dan Cooley, still being a bit on my toes because I still got to play Fish out of water this morning. (I guess it doesn't always pay to get up early) Then the most weird thing happens in the second part of the sermon, being the fact we are doing the
I AM SECOND series and today was about relationships and it ended up being about forgiveness. We used the story of the Prodigal son in Luke. Okay I thought I got this, I know this behavior (shocker I know isn't it?) still being the fact I had known it as what we call "head knowledge". Let's be honest too, he talked about pride and if you read yesterday's post you know that's what I blogged about. That's not all either! So I don't know if it's just the way I think or what's the deal here, but I think that either God is telling me, "don't get to comfortable 'cause I'm going to move you" or the fact that this church is promoting that no individual gets caught in his or her comfort zone. I'm clueless. Since this is being the second part of the sermon and the Prodigal son we had mentioned pigs and stink, okay I know pigs and stink, thus he kept going about forgiveness, still being the talk of that I think I had realized later, "oh, boy, I think this sermon is for me..." and yes I'm pretty sure to relative terms it was. Anyway, he had welcomed us to come up so he could pray for us tired of being what apparently was in terms the stinky pig. So I thought about it, I'm at first like, "nah" embarrassed more like it. So as later comes (okay fine like 2 minutes) and a few other people go up, I see my friend Kevin wants to go up so I tell him I was planing on going up so he went to, thus some of the youth followed. But before it was like a guilt trip, Aaron was talking about the reason we didn't come was because of pride. O_O I thought pretty much, "You're kidding me right?" Ahh, yeah, what a thought isn't it? Anyway, the question for today was how would that change anything? Well today the youth did nothing, therefore I was bored, well I guess slightly entertained by that we cannot ask why and or how. But I'm happy because next week it could be tennis, so I'm all set, I think, or better yet I hope, or best yet I hope I'm good at it. My fingers are crossed, but from what I heard I'm undoubtedly not going to be the best nor the worst, so I might as well be with the rest of the group.
So now weird obsessions time! A bit odd aren't I to tell you theses things? Uh yeah I think so too, but that's kinda the purpose of my blog to both make you laugh and kinda be serious... that is if I can. So let's start with it being my obsession about green grass, the water, moving, and the East Coast... actually that about sums it up. *Laughs* sorry I think it's just the mood I'm in. Anyway before I chuckle my way through the rest of this post let's begin. So it only seams logical the love for green grass because I'm from Michigan and knowing New Mexico I think we all know it's dead grass, so forget it. Why? Well because I'm that girl who loves crawling in the mud and green grass is perfectly gorgeous. I love the water still being form Michigan that says a bit much because we are of course the "Great Lake state" thus water and swimming makes me happy. Just in case you wanted to know, no sand is not for rolling in it's for sun bathing with a towel on the sand being the discomfort of the feeling for it. Yay for being that weird one. Okay so moving. Well I can't really decide weather or not I like change, but I will tell you, being in the same place bores me to death. Thus moving around is nice. Well saying goodbye bites, but meeting new people works too, and there are other arguments but let's not get into detail. Now the East Coast... well personally I think God just put that special piece of my heart in there, well maybe being I found the camp job of my dreams in North Carolina and because dad has been talking East Coast since last February. Yes I am utterly disappointed it's not our time yet.

I don't suppose I am being to optimistic am I? *Chuckles* I think I am. Maybe this isn't all good, but not so bad. Oh now I'm doomed.... lovely.
Yeah being on Sunday April 21, 2013 does change a bit of something there and that might as well be called perspective... wait I think it already is and I ask you to correct me if I'm wrong.
By the way, if you're confused I wouldn't blame you, I am too.
So today was really good, well I had fun, even though it was awkward, fun, and confusing. So at youth group we played a game and then we played it before we all left, thus what happened the second time I thought my friend Lexi was my friend Rachel, oh I was freaking out and then I ran into my friend Elissa... that was weird but it apparently was awesome 'cause I got a high five I dunno I thought that was just awkward. So now it looks like I have a letter to write because I'm not very good with words exactly and not to mention I think I'm better with paper than with words. As of now it is sleep, ot tv, or something and now this is my last words for tonight.
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