For me I've always been a “quote” on quote Christian I guess you could say. But one day it all changed forever, just having moved from Michigan to a small town in New Mexico. We had been put in public school for the first year here. During this time in public school I claimed I was a Christian, yet my actions did not show that I was a Christian. I soon found myself in a dark place, the world had taken me as it's own and I followed it. While I was following the desires and lusts of this world the darkness had taken over. It wasn't “sex, drugs, and rock and roll”, it was me not following Christ and as followed, I cursed, I was a bad influence on both my sisters and others around me, I caused others to stumbled, I even bullied one kid telling him to do wrong things like to cuss, swear, smart mouth teachers, and at the end I wasn't his friend because he didn't follow the evil ways. I was the struggle and the world had held on to me before grace. I will never be the same now, truly knowing what it is follow Christ I AM MELODY AND I AM SECOND.
Now what Christ is doing in my life.
Now as Christ resides in me He is using me in new ways like allowing me to be a positive influence to both Christians and nonChristians, teaching me leadership on how to be the light for others, telling me that one day I will be used for His glory, and now teaching me more about Himself.
Going through I AM SECOND I see I am second and God will be first and will guide me in His perfect will.
So with Cottonwood Church and everything I'm going to tell you they are really tearing down the comport zone and changing a little bit of things for me. It's really something for only being here for four months. I mean everyone seems so close to me, they see me as an encouragement, they've changed the way I think and that's saying a lot because I can be stubborn as a donkey.
So a little off subject.
I'm sorry I've been so inconsistent about posting but over the past four days I've been pet sitting, but I am back and should be posting a bit more and tomorrow I'm going to try and give you a bit of background of what where I feel personally where I feel God is having me and more of what He's doing.
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