Thursday, January 31, 2013


Since today is the end of January I figured why not make a list of things I'm thankful for. I also wanted to do it because its a great way of showing the wonderful things Christ does in our lives. So with our further ado I'll begin.

-New years: It's great to have a new year and a new breath to praise our God.

-Dance class: It was the end of December last year and our youth group had done a New Years/Christmas party and we went ice skating and my friend Cole wanted to dance on the ice. Well the downfall was I had no clue how to dance. Gladly some of the parents at our new church had convinced me to start going. Defiantly having fun.

-New friendships: Well you got me with my hands tied behind my back. I'm actually starting to finally make new friends, only it's going slowly but surely. It's been real nice getting to know new people and facing my fear. Before you think, "Melody Meyer and being afraid of making new friends? That's something I've never heard before." Yep it's true I've been afraid of it since I moved from Michigan and then after dad got the job at Blue Bell. But now I have a new issue with friendships. Well you saw me talking about Cole, yes? Well let's say we are getting really really close compared to everyone else I've been getting to know. Uhh so my point is I'm just scared half to death because I know he likes me.

-Gum: Yes I said gum. Actually it's pretty darn good stuff for making new friends. It's funny because my friend Sam has been asking the past two weeks, "do you have gum?" As many of us know I'm almost never chewing gum. Just in case you're wondering if I started chewing gum the answer is no. So yes gum is good to have around for making new friends.

-Dad's promotion: At long last Dad got the Driver Manager! We've been waiting a year for this and now he's finally got it.

-Moving: It's okay friends we're not moving to Canada or the East Coast just down a few apartments this one has to many issues.

-Pet sitting: About time I get a pet sitting job. Well for an entire week (the same week we move) I'm pet sitting and finally getting a bit of money to go on a trip.

-Trials: It sometimes feels like the hardest thing to be thankful for especially when you pretty much feel like giving up your faith. But now I'm out and stronger. So glad I am loved by Christ.

-Piano apps: I've been learning guitar but suddenly got more into the piano maybe because I love classical music? I don't know but I'm hopping it will improve my guitar playing since you have to hit the beat on time. I laugh because that's my current issue.

-Kids: Yes those little creatures we call monkeys. We have friends and they were celebrating a birthday so we watched all 6 of their little ones. Despite being on the couch it wasn't half bad. I didn't use the word sleep because it would have misguided you. No sleep I got it.

-Hymns: Somehow I like my worship in a soft mellow style. Hence I never got into the crazy upbeat style of worship. I'm petty old school I guess you could say.

-Weather: At first I couldn't decide if it was a good or bad thing. Yes weather is good. I love it because I can be the crazy fun one wearing my knee high socks and soccer shorts. Okay yeah you got me I want to play soccer.

-The smell of precipitation: Yes the smell of precipitation. New Mexico finally got some bit of precipitation and it smells lovely.

-Family: As weird as my family is I love them. And yet somehow I manage to let the sarcasm be my logic with them even though it has not logic what so ever in this family.

-A stuffed llama: Yes I have a stuffed animal llama named Louie and he guards my books. He was a gift to me from my friend Debby and she though he was an alpaca. Well I think he's special.

-Toe shoes: Yep I'm one of the crazies who own a pair of these freaky shoes. I'm thankful for them because they don't hurt my feet while dancing and the fact that they actually help me be in less pain.

-My birthday: Well 16 at last. It was great went bowling, had friends to hang out with and eat pizza with and then watching The Hobbit.

Well that's about all I can really think of for now. But I'd like all you guys to tell me what your thankful for.

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