Yesterday was 4th of July as you all know, but for me it was more then the average American red, white, and blue, anything having to do with BBQ, fireworks, family, friends, and traffic kind of day. It was really good, but wild 4th of July and not the wild you'd expect it to be by definition either. Only this 4th of July and the last I had gained more perspective, with the added going mad occasionally, and if you're asking, "is that good or bad?" I would say perspective is key, but not today no, today my answer is that depends on my day that usually ends up being yes, that is unless otherwise my day has resulted in anxiety then it's bad. It has been different is all I'm saying, and that might just be because this year my parents weren't looking at the place I'm living in currently and because I got to see a few people I haven't seen in 7 months. I'm just glad seeing everyone wasn't half as bad as I thought (that was probably the anxiety talking at the time), but I'm glad I had more to talk about then I usually ever did apart from the animals. Of course it just gets weird when they ask how's Albuquerque? I just say it's the same and I've changed more then Albuquerque, but let's just get the facts straight: There is nothing new under the Albuquerque sun, except maybe the one of two seasons changing and rarely the weather. It was great seeing everyone that I haven't seen in 7 months, but I got werided out quickly when they said my sisters and I were all grown up. I'm thinking it had something to do with the fact that my sisters were wearing make up, and I was not wearing my glasses plus my hair was cut. Uh I guess that would be pretty self-explanatory for the most part. The best parts about going yesterday was seeing my two of my friends get baptized, getting to see the small amount of people I knew, getting to see new familes, and of course getting hugs. If you know me well enough, you should know I love hugs (meaning don't be afraid to give me a hug, I don't bite and if I do I only nibble). On the hysterical side I have been given a task that I haven't given much thought to, but I better get crackin' and let's hope that ends like I hope it will because it involves giving someone a hard time. I had to laugh though because everyone kept asking "have you eaten?" no I wish I would have though... I blame the stupid Goldfish crackers and Gatorade I had rather then homemade ice cream, farm fresh BBQ pig, and every thing else that looked good. I am one happy Melody, but when people asked about the church though, that's when the situation changed rather quick and dad thinks we're all happy dandy lions. I am not implying that I'm not happy at Cottonwood, but same story I've never been at a church so long or even old enough to ever really know either and that's why it takes a lot of change. (But don't be suprised if that changes here quickly). At least I got talking about the changes I've experinced and even talked about how stressed I am about being stressed in January (and that does not include my 17th birthday either). Yes, January is going to be stressfull because all my deicions and many determining factors for so many things and I'm not geting into details today, but be on the watch! I was just so encouraged by everyone I talked to because they just heard everything I said with the added of basically telling me not to worry God's got it under contoll and that if I am in God's will I won't miss a thing. Thank goodness it was just at the most amazing time too. What a wonderful way to spend 4th of July with amazing people!
So that's really it for today. I could go on, but I would rather save this story to add on to for other posts.
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