Personally I'm not really sure how realistically that sounds to you, but it's kind of the way my brain is wired that way currently.
However, the explanation is a whole other story. (Yes this involves my "story time" I suppose). OK this might be a bit vauge if you've never seen Men in Black 3, but if not the explantion will do either case well. Basically it's like the character Griffin, (information from Wikipedia, just so you all know) a fifth-dimensional being who sees multiple timelines simultaneously. Only it's diffirent for me, I am only a three-dimensional being, and I look at possibilites and put them together like a puzzle. Therefore the meaning of "puzzle pieces". Several examples come into my mind, however I have actually a few pieces put together, so not all of them are technically are lose puzzle pieces. Anyway, we'll make a really long story a short one. I'm not sure how many of you know my "Texas story", but basically I wanted to go to Texas and the door pretty much got closed for the time. Now as I've done my first Bible study offically the outcome has been me effectivly making deicions that honor God and again, and again, learning to trust God as it is a huge issue, that is yes getting better just incase you wanted to know. ;) Ah, but today at church I had a turn around. Actually rewind a few weeks. So it was a few weeks go while I was doing math and I felt God telling me to learn leadership and I was like okay... later it occured to me through God's grace it might be with the youth group and orginally I wasn't so sure. Now we fastforward to today. Well Pastor Dan Cooley talked about killing chickens (killing fears; witch I kind some what of an idea to do so, but uh, not entirely), so it was a good sermon I can't agrue that. However, he invited us up to pray (quick comment, but in my perspective this church does a lot to get you out of your comfort zone) and not only is that the second time i've gone up to ask for prayer, but he asked to pray for us all who wanted to take a leap of faith and just do what God is calling us to do. Well that put a stop to my procrastionating about talking to Stephanie about helping out with the youth group, so I told her after we prayed I need to talk to her, now I go to talk to telling her I want to be youth in training for leadership and now waiting two weeks... But its good because that totally proves it's God's will for me to learn God's will. Other puzzle pieces that I'm trying to put together is waiting and seeing the least favorite part) and I'm thinking depending on how school is going by January it might determin where I chose to go in life generally after high school. (Maybe another day I'll dig deeper) But for now that's it, so enjoy the puzzle pieces! (Let me know if you find one ;) )
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