Well today was bitter and sweet, but mostly sweet, I'll give you that much. I had a birthday party for my close friend Dylan. I laugh, he insisted I don't get him a present and then I told him I was going to get him a present basically weather he liked it or not. So I got him a shirt that said "Brony" (a teenage boy who likes My Little Pony) he knew I was getting it for him though. So let me tell you the story. So Emily and I go to the mall this morning and I finally find the store with the shirt, Emily asks, "are you sure he's going to like it?" I of course say yes. So I finally get home and run to wrap the present. After that we go to his house and I give him the present when he comes downstairs, he just gets right to it and opens it. He puts on the shirt right away and his mom says, "I think you just gave Dylan his best birthday present," he hugs me, says thank you and says he was going to wear it tomorrow, but he just leaves it on. Well hours later of playing Call of Duty Black Ops II people start to come and we hang out more Black Ops, food, sugar and a movie. It was all good and now I'm home and winding down after having so much Mountain Dew.
Well honestly that was nice and I'm glad it was an improvement. Now was today bitter? No not really but I have a little bit of stress, oh but for some reason it seams like the new normal. Hence easy come, easy go. Now the anxiety it's been okay it's annoying because one day I'm fine the next it's horrible. Ugh I just want to get over this stage. Really I feel kinda I between happy and depressed not bipolar, but just really not sure of my feelings. Maybe afraid is a better word. Anyway I don't want to bring you guys down, but that's just the way it goes around here. Certainly things are real easy come, easy go and that's the way I'm going to deal with it even if that means to face fears and overcome darkness. Well that's it for tonight I'll let you know how tomorrow goes. Could be better could be worse or just down right the same like it has been for two months.
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