Happy New Years everyone! I hope you had a blessed New Years!
So today I'm posting a look back at 2012 and a look into 2013. 2012 was probably one of the hardest years for me. Over 2012 God has used several things to allow me to grow in Him and draw closer in the process.
Basically my dad had told my sisters and I the chances of moving all the way to possibly the east coast. Well, at first I was really excited thinking of all the new friends and adventures that did not include our animals. Then later on after I came back from camp in July I had the question, "where does God want me?" The response the outside world had said you're where God wants you. I didn't feel satisfied with that response so I prayed, "God show me where you want me and allow me to be used by You!" Well, later in August we had moved and I was so excited and didn't have to worry about goodbye... Or so I thought. My parents had looked at youth groups since the other one was so far. Turns out that later mom and dad decided that we'll alternate between church's so I still though okay. It was late November, I realized that I had no joy, no sense in serving God and certainly no growth spiritually. It came to December and dad asks us kidos where we felt God wants us. I admit I was very clear but stubborn, I responded, "I hate to say it but Cottonwood." Well later on of alternating between the churches I had really fought between comfort and where God wanted me. Two weeks gone by and every Sunday I found myself having panic attacks, not feeling like I could breathe, anxiety, no joy in worshiping Christ and basically going through the motions. I later stumbled upon Psalms 51:10-12 and reminding me to fight for joy. I still fought then one day my friend messages me basically saying she's praying for me and encouraging me. And now this past week my family and I said goodbye to the old church and hello to the new one. I had said to everyone, "don't say goodbye yet I'll still be around" they knew it well. As every change brings us closer to God we come closer to Him.
Now as for 2013 I'm planing to follow closer to God thought everything now that I see His purpose shining through. Also this year could be my last hear in the state of New Mexico.
So umm that's it. My next post will be about change and God making us new and my personal experience of God giving me change and turning my life 360 and how he can change you 360.
Until then you know where to find me! (:
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